Montpelier Hills News

Please Sign J's Sports Cafe Petition Now

UPDATE: March 7

March 7 PG Liquor Board Show Cause Hearings Postponed

The P.G. Liquor Board has postponed the Show Cause Hearings for the shootings at J's Sports Cafe and Sunrise Bar, due to expected dangerous icing conditions this evening (March 7).

The new date is March 14, 7 pm.

For directions to the P.G. County services building on March 14, see

Today and on March 14, check the Liquor Board phone number for possible recorded announcements about the status of Hearings (301) 699-2770.

Update: March 1

Liquor Board
March 7 Public Hearing Agenda

The Montpelier Hills community needs your signature on a petition to revoke the liquor license at J's Sports Cafe (Crystal Plaza Rt 197 & Muirkirk Rd) because there have been 3 shooting murders there in the past 2 years due to violent crowds attracted by the Cafe.

There is a notice on your cluster mailbox with the address of the home where you can sign the petition. In most cases the petitions are in an envelope taped to that home's door or storm door. Just sign one of the petitions and put it back. Please sign an empty petition page only if there is no petition page with some signatures already on it -- we are trying to ensure that each page is full.

You must be a currently registered voter in Prince George's county to sign the petition -- because that is how the Liquor Board verifies the signatures as P.G. County residents.

Please print legibly so your name and address will be verified.

There will already be a "show cause" hearing at the Liquor Board on March 7 at 7 pm to review the most recent January 28 shooting murder and other violations at J's Sports Cafe. Watch this site for another message with details about that meeting.

BUT right now, these petitions are still needed ASAP, in the next few days.

Regardless of the outcome of the March 7 hearing, the Liquor Board requires these petitions before its regulations will allow it to schedule a formal hearing process specifically to consider revoking the liquor license at J's Sports Cafe.

So, please come out in the cold and wind and sign a petition on your street Today.

There is comprehensive information about what's been happening at "J's Sports Cafe"
on the MH NEWS web site in the side menu "Local News & Info"
at J's Sports Cafe 3d Shooting Death***
