After the May 3 Liquor Board hearing, the office of our District 1 County Councilman, Tom Dernoga, made inquiries with several relevant county departments regarding Club Amazon. Soon after that, the County Fire Marshall's office reportedly shut down Club Amazon effective May 5 apparently for continued violation of previous fire code citations.
At the May 3 Liquor Board hearing, Club Amazon owners had said they wanted to operate May 3, 4, 5, and 6 before voluntarily closing May 7 until June 14, the date of the next Liquor Board hearing. It appears that Club Amazon is now closed and will remain closed voluntarily or otherwise until June 14.
This poster (no longer on the GOGO website to which it was posted on April 5, 2006) appears to have advertised a LIVE music program at Club Amazon scheduled for May 12 by the GOGO band RARE ESSENCE which, if performed as advertised, would have apparently been in violation of The Amazon's current Liquor Board license restrictions against LIVE music.